Fisherman Guide

For patch - 5.0.0

Spear in all its glory

Guide Book


First of all the perks in the tables are ordered based on the most important perk in the first slot. So Perk 1 and 2 are mandatory, while perk 3 is optional.


Named Item Type Gem Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Acquisition-Links
Scorpion Sting Spear Japser (runeglass) Sundering Javalin Trenchant Strikes Penetrating Backstab Scorpio Supernal
Keratin Longsword Sword Jasper (runeglass) Rogue Keenly Empowered Penetrating Backstab Brimstone Sands


Named Weight Item-Type Perk-1 Perk-2 Perk-3 Acquisition-Links
Bergan's Gaze Medium Helmet Health Shirking Heals Elemental Aversion PvP Track
Light Chest Health Shirking Heals Elemental Aversion
Frigid Dawn Gloves Heavy Gloves Elemental-Aversion Enchanted Ward Shirking Heals Glacial Tarn
Iron Heart Heavy Legs Refreshing Enchanted Ward Shirking Heals PvP Track
Freezeframe Medium Boots Health Fortifying Perforate Elemental Aversion Winter Rune Forge
Headbutt Round Shield Thrust Shield Ward Keenly Empowered Diminishing Shield Bash Stubbles


Named Item Type Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Acquisition-Links
Tanglevine Amulet Amulet Thrust Protection Shirking Empower Health Elysian Wilds
Deepriver Ring Ring Hearty Thrust-Damage Purifying Heart Siren's Brute
Endless Thirst Earring Empowered Toast Fortifying Toast Healing Heart Savage Divide


This my ideal setup, but you dont have too run this exact setup. Here are some alternatives to certain items:

  • Shield Options

    You can use either Headbutt or Weary Traveler. Just remember to compensate the loss of thrust protection with some emeralds.


So for heartrunes we have a couple options.

  • Rending Vines

    Rending Vines is a fantastic offensive and defensive option.

  • Stoneform

    Stoneform is bugged and hasnt been fixed yet. Avoid if possible.

    A very good option, as it allows for much lower con.


Strenght Dexterity Intelligence Focus Constitution Example Images
200 250 5 5 150 example
200 300 5 5 100 example


We should be looking for 20% thrust resistance 24% fire resistance, 5% strike, 15% slash. We use 4 rubies, 2 onyxes and 2 moonstones to achieve this.

Weapon Tree


  • W enjoyer

    As the name implies this is the most aggresive build you can play with Scorpion Sting.

    Spear weapon tree

  • CC fun time

    Play this if you wanna see the world burn.

    Spear weapon tree


  • Full chase

    This is your go too SnS weapon tree. Fully spec'd for toxic chasing

    SnS weapon tree

  • Gimme the dps

    You wanna go balls to the walls 0/20 kd with 2 mil damage, well do I ever have the tree for you.

    SnS weapon tree

  • Unkillable

    Become unkillable with this one simple trick. Replace one of the health perks on your armour for accelerated defender's resolve and you will with 100% be in a hate thread on NW discord

    SnS weapon tree